Yawt Yawt Low Crawler V Mouth Call

Yawt Yawt Low Crawler V Mouth Call

Houndstooth Game Calls

  • $11.99
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This item is available in the store or by pick up order until online sales are active.

Coming straight from bottom’s of Mississippi where Yawt Yawt got started turkey hunting, this is the first call to ever carry the Yawt Yawt brand.  We are proud to introduce Yawt Yawt’s own Low Crawler V-Cut 3 reed mouth yelper. Made to bring home the bacon, this is a tried and true hunters call that is great for those just getting into it and those that have been eating fried turkey nuggets every spring for years. The Yawt’s Low Crawler V-Cut 3 reed mouth yelper is made of our own blend of thin latex's that makes this call ready to roll. Making an unique and enticing call that is 100% turkey. Run it loud or run it soft, this call delivers what them ol’ longbeards like every time.

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