We are celebrating 26 years of serving our community. Thank you!
Ryegrass Seed, Oregon Grown (Gulf), 50lb
Pine Straw Rolls
Wheat Straw Bale
Rocks, BULK
Black Kow Top Soil, 45lb
HAY, Square Construction
Mulch, BULK (per scoop)
Flagging Tape
Tomato Stakes, Heavy Pine 48”
Play Sand, 50lb
Sod Staple, 6"
Baccto Top Soil Garden Magic, 40lb
Jiffy Pots 2, 12ct
Stake Flags
Hi-Yield Stump Remover, 1.5lb
Ferti-lome Pruning Paint, 16oz
Pro's Choice Rapid Field Dry, 40lb
Tarter Fire Ring, Raised Planter, 3’
Garden Netting
Pro's Choice Easy Mound Clay, 40lb
Tarter Round Versa, 23gal
Pro's Choice Red Field Conditioner, 50lb
Tarter Round Ultra 46gal
Tarter Round Versa 23 gal with Spigot & Stand