Outdoor Edge Wild Pak

Outdoor Edge Wild Pak

Outdoor Edge Cutlery Corp.

  • $58.99
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This item is available in the store or by pick up order until online sales are active.

This complete 8-piece, field-to-freezer game processing set with hard-side carry case includes a caping knife, gut-hook skinner, boning/fillet knife, wood/bone saw, ribcage spreader, game cleaning gloves, and a tungsten carbide sharpener to maintain a shaving-sharp cutting edge at all times. The full-tang 420J2 stainless steel knife blades are precisely heat treated, taper ground thin and hand finished shaving-sharp for superior edge retention and performance. Rubberized, blaze-orange TPR handles offer high visibility in the field and ensure a non-slip grip, even when wet. Additionally, the elk horn inlay provides extra indexing points for greater control and to prevent fatigue during long use.

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