Kellen’s Gold Label Predator Bait, 16oz.

Kellen’s Gold Label Predator Bait, 16oz.


  • $18.99
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This item is available in the store or by pick up order until online sales are active.

For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a ‘secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based baits. Kellen's Gold Label provides the modern trapper with a ground, slightly aged, preserved fox meat bait with a couple extra enhancer ingredients. Smear an acorn-sized glob around inside a dirthole, or cover a couple globs with a football-sized flat rock in frozen ground for a truly vintage, throw-back buried bait flat set that will produce coyotes quickly. Truly a one-of-a-kind bait! Also, there's no skunk essence in the formula, so works well alongside Red Label at a second set. Two dynamite attractants, two completely different odor profiles.

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