Jumbo Cornish Cross, Broiler Chicks

Jumbo Cornish Cross, Broiler Chicks

Cackle Hatchery

  • $5.50
    Unit price per 

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The Cornish Cross Chicken (Cornish X), (Cornish –Cross), (Broiler), (Cornish/rock), (Jumbo Cornish cross) is a cross between the Commercial Cornish chicken and a White Rock chicken. They were developed for the commercial meat chicken market and have been dominating it for the past fifty years. Cornish game hens can reach 4 1/2 lbs by 6 weeks of age and cockerels 6 lbs by 6 weeks of age. They grow so fast that their legs may give out from their weight and it is not recommended that they be kept for breeding. It is recommended to harvest this chicken broiler between 4-10 weeks of age depending on desired weight. 

  • Bred specifically to butcher or harvest, use only as chickens for meat production
  • Best option for efficient feed/time to butcher weight
  • NOT recommended for a pet
  • Do not use small particle bedding (like saw dust or small shavings) as these chickens may eat it
  • Good in free range chicken coop
  • Feed high protein feed that is 21% or better




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