Pure Goat Milk Bar Soap

Beekman 1802

  • Regular price $16.00 Sale price $13.00
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This item is available in the store or by pick up order until online sales are active.

This natural, triple-milled Creamy goat milk and botanicals deeply nourish and moisturize skin, giving you long-lasting freshness with a velvety foaming lather that cleanses without stripping skin’s moisture. 


  • 100% vegetable soap base that gets you squeaky-clean–without the squeak
  • Triple-milled to last even longer, extending all of the benefits of nourishing goat milk down to the very last lather
  • Goat Milk boosts skin health with the same pH as human skin, and it’s rich in lactic acid, vitamins, and minerals to help renew and strengthen skin

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