Bermuda Seed, Hulled & Coated

Bermuda Seed, Hulled & Coated

The Wax Company

  • $225.00
    Unit price per 

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Coated Hulled Common Bermuda Grass makes an excellent low maintenance, drought resistant lawn or pasture.
  • Warm season perennial
  • Crawling grass with runners providing great traffic tolerance
  • Grows well in very sandy soil types where other grasses have trouble
  • Commonly used for lawn and pasture applications across the southern 1/3 United States, including Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, South Carolina, Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Southern California, and Hawaii

New Lawns - Plant 1-2 pounds per 1,000 sq ft

New Pastures - Plant 50-100 pounds per acre

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