Lew’s American Hero Baitcast Combo, 6’10”, MH

Lew’s American Hero Baitcast Combo, 6’10”, MH


  • $99.99
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This item is available in the store or by pick up order until online sales are active.

Come equipped with a premium double shielded stainless ball bearing speed spool baitcast reel with magnetic control system cast control. The reels have a 1 piece lightweight graphite composite frame and sideplates. The spools are machine forged aluminum and anodized blue. Their main gear and crankshaft are high strength solid brass. They have a palming sideplate that can be quickly released and removed for easy spool access. A durable Rulon drag system provides up to 10 pounds of drag power. The rods in the combos are premium 1 piece IM6 graphite blanks equipped with stainless steel guide and inserts. The reel seat is skeletal and has a cushioned hood. These rods also feature EVA split grip handles that are lightweight and slip resistant. Lew's patented No Foul hook keeper never interferes with casts and retrieves.

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