Moultrie Edge 2 Cellular Trail Camera

Moultrie Edge 2 Cellular Trail Camera

Moultrie Feeders

  • $119.99
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This item is available in the store or by pick up order until online sales are active.

Capture high-quality photos and videos of visitors with the Moultrie Mobile EDGE 2 Cellular Trail Camera. This trail camera is capable of captures 36MP and FHD 1080p videos in 5, 10, or 15 seconds with audio.When an image or video is captures, it's stored on built-in memory instead of SD cards. This cellular trail camera has a fold-and-transport antenna that automatically detects the strongest cell service signal and connects to it. Each image has the time, date, moon phase, temperature, and camera ID stamped on it. This camera offers several power options: 8 or 16 AA batteries (not included), solar power accessories (not included), or the Moultrie Mobile rechargeable lithium battery (not included). Mfrs. 2-year limited warranty.

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