EarthWay Seeder/ Spreader 2750 Nylon Bag

EarthWay Seeder/ Spreader 2750 Nylon Bag


  • $62.99
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The 2750 is the weapon of choice when your terrain is hilly or wet. The corrosion, tear and weather resistant nylon bag hopper is equipped with a zippered top for easy filling and closure. This nylon construction allows for the bag to remain upright when filling yet collapse for easy storage. From the contoured base for fitting around your hip, the adjustable shoulder strap and a long crank handle. The  Rocking Agitator provides smooth, even material feeding to the distribution plate. The high speed direct drive gear box allows the operator to adjust the spread width between 8’-12’by simply changing the crank rate. Complete directional control and spring to close shut-off makes it the ultimate choice in hand operated spreaders.

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