Controlled Release Fertilizer 14-14-14, 5lb

Controlled Release Fertilizer 14-14-14, 5lb

Southern Ag

  • $14.99
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This item is available in the store or by pick up order until online sales are active.

SA-50 Controlled-Release Fertilizer 14-14-14 is a "constant-feed" fertilizer that last for 3 months. Applications of this fertilizer provide continuous metering of Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium to the plant. This eliminates the feast or famine associated with conventional soluble fertilizers, and helps ensure an ideal level of nutrients for optimum plant nutrition. SA-50 Controlled- Release Fertilizer 14-14-14 is basically unaffected by watering because the nutrient release is affected only by change in soil temperature. The release rate of each fertilizer prill increases as the soil warms, and decreases as the soil cools, therefore corresponding to plant growth needs.

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