Millet, Tifleaf III Pearl, 50lb

Millet, Tifleaf III Pearl, 50lb

The Wax Company

  • $110.00
    Unit price per 

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Tifleaf 3 is a high quality leafy pearl millet hybrid developed by USDA-ARS at Tifton, GA. Tifleaf 3 shows resistance to rust  Tifleaf 3 matures at 4-5’.
Best use: Hay, pasture, and green chop. Most frequently used in beef cow/calf and dairy operations. Tifleaf 3 pearl millet is safe for horses. Tifleaf 3 likes good ground but can produce under low rainfall and low soil fertility.

Plant ½”-1”deep.

Drill  15-20 lbs./Acre

Broadcast 25-30 lbs./Acre

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