Bahia, Tifton 9, 40lb

Bahia, Tifton 9, 40lb

The Wax Company

  • $300.00
    Unit price per 

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Tifton 9 is an improved variety of Pensacola bahiagrass bred cooperatively at Tifton, GA by the USDA-ARS and the University of Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station. Compared with common Pensacola bahiagrass, Tifton 9 has more vigorous seedlings, longer leaves, and is equally digestible.

Tifton 9 will be well adapted wherever Pensacola bahiagrass is grown. Tifton 9 yields more forage than Pensacola bahiagrass from the same inputs. 

Seeding Rate - Broadcast
20 - 40lbs per acre

Seeding Rate - Drilling
10 - 20lbs per acre

When to plant
Spring & Summer

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