Hi-Temp Red Lithium Grease

Hi-Temp Red Lithium Grease

Cam 2 International

  • $5.99
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This item is available in the store or by pick up order until online sales are active.

  • Grease is premium quality multi purpose red grease having lithium complex NLGI grade #2 red grease, which can be used in high temperatures for lubricating heave machinery. It is a complex grease used for automotive/truck chassis and bearing lubrication.
  • Is recommended for use in high temperature, humidity, and water contamination applications such as mining, marine, and construction. This grease is also suitable for high speed bearings.
  • Excellent grease tenacity helps in reducing leakage and extends relubrication intervals for reduced maintenance requirements. It resists separation, pumps easily and can be used in variety of temperatures which allows you to reduce your grease inventory levels.

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